
Shipping Policy

Upon order, you will receive an email confirmation (check you junk mail if you don't see it). As soon as your item is shipped, you will receive another email with the tracking number and carrier. If at any time you want to know the status of your order call 1-800-742-0268 to speak to us and we will get you a status update.

The delivery date set forth in Seller's proposal is Seller's best estimate of when the Equipment will be delivered to carrier and will not be deemed to represent a fixed or guaranteed delivery date. Title to and risk of loss of the Equipment will pass to Buyer upon delivery to the carrier at point of shipment.


As the receiving agent for Widow System's shipments, your signature on a delivering carrier’s freight Bill of Lading (BOL) constitutes acceptance of the merchandise “as is” and in good order. If you do not inspect before signing you are, for all practical purposes, waiving “our (Widow Systems and your)” mutual right to collect on a damage claim no matter if the damage is visible or “concealed”.

Remember once you sign, the goods and the responsibility is yours.

Recommended Receiving Procedure: Check immediately for visible signs of damage.

The National Claims Council Regulations specify that you must:

1. Inspect, examine and inventory (count) your delivery as it is unloaded.

A. Any and all shortages or damaged items must be written down on the BOL. Note the item(s) that are visibly damaged or missing on the BOL before you sign it. Then email Widow Systems at sales@widowsystems.com or please call 1-800-742-0268 to report the problem.

B. Open cartons or containers or other items if there is the slightest doubt that the merchandise could be damaged (concealed or not). Any damage must be noted on the BOL or the liability to prove the damage was done by the delivering carrier is your responsibility.

C. Do not be intimidated by the driver. They cannot leave until the BOL is signed (regardless of how much of a hurry they are in, etc.).

D. If unsure, always sign “subject to count and inspections”.

2. Concealed Damage (within 7 days after delivery) – In the event of concealed damage (goods found damaged in otherwise intact packaging), you must immediately document and photograph the packaging and the damage. You must keep the packaging. Call to report the problem, then email the photos and document the damage with Widow Systems. If we prepaid the freight with the carrier, we will begin the concealed damage claim. Concealed damage claims must be reported to Widow Systems within 7 calendar days. Remember, at this point, you signed the BOL free and clear, or possibly “subject to count and inspection” so the sooner you can inspect the goods and report any concealed damage, the better the chances of collecting on the claim. Claims not reported within 7 calendar days may not be honored.

Further measures that may help in the claim process includes the following:

1. Take photographs of the damaged goods while still on the carrier’s truck, if obvious mis-handling is evident. Send the photos to your Widow Systems Customer Service person, or email them to sales@widowsystems.com

2. Call Widow Systems immediately, preferably with the driver still present.

3. Keep a copy of the BOL noting the damage with the driver’s signature.

4. Keep all crating and packaging material with the damaged item(s) for inspection by the company’s claim inspector until told by Widow Systems or the carrier to return or dispose of the item(s).

5. Claims not reported within 7 calendar days may not be honored. There are many things that can happen to goods between the time they leave the factory and arrive at your receiving dock. Therefore we are asking you to do a very small, but critically important amount of work to protect us both. The Bill of Lading (BOL) or freight bill is our only documentation of the condition of a load when it arrives at your place of business or job site. Without this proof, we cannot hold others accountable for damaged or missing items.